Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Woman's Look..............

Wow, Vicki has really raised the bar this year when she took on the job of running the 2009 challenge for my embroidery group.

We were gobsmacked as she handed out visual art books for journals and proceeded to tell us that we would be endeavouring to create an original piece of embroidered artwork based on the theme " A Woman's Look".

There we sat, speechless and in awe as we discovered that we would be creating a textile book of at least 5 pages plus a cover using the elements and principles of design. (line, shape, colour, size, pattern, value/tone, movement - balance, gradation, contrast, repetition, harmony, domiance, unity and rhythm)

Holy about overwhelmed!!!!!!!...I'm only a beginner!!!!!!!................

We have before us a list of challenge stages to which we endeavour to have completed by December 2009.

A Journal Cover
Page 1 -Line
Page 2 - Texture
Page 3 - Shape
Page 4 - Colour
Page 5 - Self Portrait
Textile Book Cover

There I sat dumbstruck as we received our kits - a blank journal and a dress form silhouette printed on fabric.......our first task -

to make a journal cover using the dress form start collecting ideas for the textile book and to start experimenting with possible backgrounds.

..............................and now that my mind has stopped screaming help me, I think the project is really going to be kinda fun. This is the start -

A scrap of black velvet, black and white striped cotton, black homespun, white ribbon and black ricrac. As you can see there will be just a touch of red when the flower on the dress form is embroidered with satin stitch.

(hmmmm thinking I might call the textile book - "Iam woman see me raw" - a line courtesy of the Kath & Kim TV comedy show)


Anita said...

Sounds like you are stepping outside your comfort zone. Doing that can answer the question of I really like doing this or that was fun, but once is enough. The nice thing is you always learn something in the process.

Deb said...

Jo I love the concept. Thank goodness you have all year.My mind would be racing. Thankfully you can call on many resources!!
Can't wait to hear all your progress details.

kari and kijsa said...

Love this idea!
Here's to a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
kari & kijsa