Friday, October 30, 2009

Nothing like dropping off the face of the earth


Long time no chat!!!!!!!!

I cant believe it was June when I last posted and here it is the end of October already. Soooooo many things that should have been done between now and then, but, oh well, they will happen soon enough.

It really is wonderful to touch base once again with you all. Such excitment here. My husband received a bilateral lung transplant on 1st September and we have been in Sydney all this time for his recuperation.

The Doctors allowed him a few days at home (just a 7 hour drive) last week and it was great. If only to sleep in our own bed again.

Needless to say DH is doing quite nicely and has another month if routine weekly clinic visits before being allowed out on his own for a month at a time.

We cant wait to get back to normalcy.

It is amazing to see him so well.

As far as the patchwork is concerned not much is getting done. That's not to say it wasnt all brought down to the city for occupation, but alas, other things have got in the way. (Like lunches at Bondi Beach, lunches at Coogee Beach, a day at Manly, a trip to Cronulla.....the New Zealand Natural Ice Cream Shop, the Movenpick Ice Cream

Cheers for today

Monday, June 8, 2009

Home Town Quilt Show

Travelled over to the folks this long weekend. (Monday is a public holiday to celebrate the Queen's Birthday for anyone who is not in Aust).

It was nice to catch up with Mum and Dad and nice to meet up with some of my hometown local friends that patchwork. They had their annual Quilt Show - held at the local library which is an excellent location. lots of bookcases to hang quilts on. I always enjoy the quilting over there. The quilters in that area seem to have the knack of making quite spectacular quilts out of very simple patterns.

Anyway, despite the wet weather I believe it was a successful event. Most enjoyable.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Advice for a Babys quilt

Hi Ladies, I need some advice.........

A most joyful occasion is about to occur in the life of one of my friends. She will become a Grandmother sometime in November.

To celebrate the occasion I would dearly love to make something for the first born grandchild and what comes to mind is an embroidered blanket. You know the type Wool with wool applique and wool embroidery backed with a pretty cotton fabric.

However, in this day and age wool is not necessarily the most practical though I expect it would be a lovely keepsake.

So my question is - should I make something practical therefore washable, for example a patchwork cot quilt or should I make the woollen keepsake?

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Last weekend was great fun.

The local embroidery group arranged for a travelling tutor and we spent to hilarious days learning a little bit about hardanger embroidery. (I think this particular type of Hardangar is called something else starting with "M" but cant remember what its suppose to be) anyway.......

here are a couple of pics. It will eventually be a needlebook and still needs to have its edge beaded but I am rather pleased with the result and wanted to give you all a look.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Look what came to visit last night

The local mopoke (frog mouthed owl) called by last night, Im guessing to grab his share of the mice that are running around at the moment.

So close!!!!!! I stepped out my back door to see what the dogs were barking at and look what I found. Cant believe he was only 20ft from my back door.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Its Been Ages.........

Cant believe it has been so long since visiting here. Christmas has passed. Time has flown. So much has happened. Life has been way too busy.

But...................I do have something to show you.........................the finished product.........the journal cover for A Woman's Look project. Hope you like it.